About India
India is a republic in South Asia: history dates from the Indus Valley Civilization; came under British supremacy in 1763 and passed to the British crown in 1858; nationalist movement arose under Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948); Indian sub-continent divided into Pakistan(Muslim) and India(Hindu) in 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth in 1950. Official and administrative languages are Hindi and English; each State has its own language.
India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In 2015, the population is estimated at over 1.28 billion people. The main religion of India is Hindu and of the cities and regions in India are named after India deities. About 80% of the population of India are consider themselves Hindu. Islam is the second most popular religion(14%) in India other religions are Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Christians comprise about 3% of the population of India. India has more than 6400 castes, 18 main languages with over 1650 dialects and over 600 million live in deep poverty with 300 million living below the bred-line.
India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In 2015, the population is estimated at over 1.28 billion people. The main religion of India is Hindu and of the cities and regions in India are named after India deities. About 80% of the population of India are consider themselves Hindu. Islam is the second most popular religion(14%) in India other religions are Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Christians comprise about 3% of the population of India. India has more than 6400 castes, 18 main languages with over 1650 dialects and over 600 million live in deep poverty with 300 million living below the bred-line.
- Born again Christians are only 2%in total population
- More than 50% people never heard the name of Jesus
- There are over 500000 villages without the gospel preachers
- More than 20 thousand people die each day without the privilege to hear the good news